No smoking policy for guests
All cars on Experience Rides are non-smoking vehicles. Experience Rides prohibits guests, their passengers, and vehicle hosts from smoking in any car in the Experience Rides marketplace. This No smoking policy covers the use of, but is not limited to, any tobacco or tobacco-related products, marijuana or marijuana substitutes, e-cigarettes, or personal vaporizers.
Guest responsibilities
If it’s proven that you’ve violated Experience Rides’ No smoking policy, either by smoking or allowing your passengers to smoke, Experience Rides will remove you from the platform. We’ll close your account, and you’ll be unable to appeal this action.
You may not smoke in any car, even if you believe your host or a previous guest may have done so. You can purchase a Post-Trip Cleaning for your trip, but it doesn’t give you the right to smoke in the car. If you return a car with a smoking odor or other evidence of smoking, your host can send you a smoking fee reimbursement invoice for up to $250 to cover the cost of removing the odor and cleaning the car. See the list of smoking fees below.
Smoking – Odor only: $50
A smoking “odor only” fee can be charged for lingering smoke scent that requires removal.
Smoking – Odor with evidence: $150
A smoking “odor with evidence” fee can be charged for smoke scent removal and cleaning of physical remnants of smoking (eg. ash, cigarette butts, etc.)
Multiple cleaning issues: $250
A “multiple” cleaning fee can be charged for any combination of cleaning, smoking, and/or pet hair issues.
Guest rights
You have the right to a smoke-free vehicle. If you arrive to pick up a car and smell any of the substances listed above, do not check in and immediately contact us by calling +1 832 699 0062 to avoid being held responsible. We’ll help you cancel the trip and find a replacement car.